N. Lo Vecchio bibliography
Links go to the dedicated publication page of this site where full text or links are found. Most of my publications are listed here, as well as a few selected translations and talks.
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2020. Dictionnaire historique du lexique de l’homosexualité. Transferts linguistiques et culturels entre français, italien, espagnol, anglais et allemand. Strasbourg: Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie (ÉLiPhi). [Go to page]
Other articles, select talks, and collaborative works
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. Forthcoming. “For a Sociolexicology of Queer Naming: On Problematizing the LGBTQ Lexicon in Historical Linguistics.” In: Battlefield Linguistics: Contemporary Contestations of Language, Gender and Sexuality, eds. Scott Burnett and Francesca Vigo. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. [Go to page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. Submitted / in evaluation. “Using Translation to Chart the Early Spread of GAY Terminology.” [Go to page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. Forthcoming. “Translation as the Site of Lexical Creation and Analysis: Internationalisms in the Historical Queer Lexicon.” Meta: Journal des traducteurs 69.2. [Go to page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2024. “A Lexicological Response to Motschenbacher’s Linguistic Dimensions of Sexual Normativity (2022).” Lexique 34. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54563/lexique.1781 [Go to page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2024. Book review article of Laura Wright, The Social Life of Words (2023). Lexis: Journal in English Lexicology. https://journals.openedition.org/lexis/8136 [Go to page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2024. “Delocutive bougre and Its Lessons for Historical Pragmatics” (video poster). International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication (INPRA 10). Università di Pisa, Italy, 30 May–1 June 2024. [Go to page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2024. “French lesbin: An Early Modern Queer Reading of Tasso’s Gerusalemme Liberata.” Queer and Trans Philologies. Cambridge University, 22–23 March 2024. [Go to related page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2023. Compte rendu de Véronica Thiéry-Riboulot, Laïcité : histoire d’un mot (2022) et Usage, abus et usure du mot laïcité (2022). Revue de Linguistique Romane 87, pp. 288–294. [Go to page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2022. “Revisiting berdache: Notes on a Translinguistic Lexical Creation.” American Speech 97.3, pp. 345–373. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1215/00031283-9616142 [Go to page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2021. “Borrowing and the Historical LGBTQ Lexicon: Profile of a Pragmatically Marked Field.” Journal of Pragmatics & Cognition 28.1, pp. 167–192. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/pc.00022.vec [Go to page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2021. “Updating the OED on the Historical LGBTQ Lexicon.” Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America 42.1, pp. 95–164. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/dic.2021.0003 [Go to page]
Peter Nahon (trans. Nicholas Lo Vecchio). 2021. “Modern Judeo-Provençal as Known from Its Sole Textual Testimony: Harcanot et Barcanot (Critical Edition and Linguistic Analysis).” Journal of Jewish Languages 9.2, pp. 165–237. [External link to article]
André Thibault / Mathieu Avanzi / Nicholas Lo Vecchio / Alice Millour (eds.). 2021. Nouveaux regards sur la variation dialectale | New Ways of Analyzing Dialectal Variation. Strasbourg: Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie (ÉLiPhi). [Go to page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2021. “L’emprunt dans le lexique international de l’homosexualité. Aspects historiques et comparatifs.” In: Actes du XXIXe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes. Copenhague, 1er–6 juillet 2019. Strasbourg: Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie (ÉLiPhi), vol. I, pp. 633–644. [Go to page]
André Thibault / Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2020. “Language Contact and the Lexicon of Romance Languages.” In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.462. To appear in print: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press [planned 2025]. [Go to page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2019. “L’étymologie de lesbienne et lesbin en français. L’histoire croisée de deux lexies autonomes.” Revue de Linguistique Romane 83, pp. 443–456. [Go to page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2019. Résumé de thèse. GLAD! 6. www.revue-glad.org/1498 [Go to page]
Nicholas Lo Vecchio. 2018. Book review of Shana Poplack, Borrowing (2018). Revue de Linguistique Romane 82, pp. 521–525. [Go to page]
André Thibault with Marc Duval / Nicholas Lo Vecchio (eds.). 2018. Le causatif. Perspectives croisées. Strasbourg: Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie (ÉLiPhi). [Go to page]
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